5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Bring in More Abundance!

By Anne Presuel, Rev.

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Many of us are looking for ways to generate more income, particularly right now. The holidays are here and most of us have desires to give generously not only to our loved ones, but also to special charities dear to our hearts. In addition, the economic transition our society is in the process of moving through has challenged many of us to stay in faith that all is (or will be) well.

So, how can you bring more abundance into your life? Following are five easy steps you can do right now to change your energy and change your thinking so that you can change your openness to receiving abundance.

1.    Be grateful for what you already have.
Hands down, this is the number one way you can bring more of whatever it is you want into your life. If you’re thinking “yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that before,” then see if you can truly get present to the feeling of gratitude. Seriously. Think for just a moment of what your life would be like without some of the things you have and take for granted. If you spent one day – even one hour – truly being grateful for what you have, you would begin to see some amazing things show up in your life. OR you could do what Oprah did: write a daily gratitude journal, listing all the things for which you are grateful. Try it; your energy will shift … significantly.

2.    Give what you want to receive.
Ok, I can already hear the groans. “But, Anne, I NEED money; how can I GIVE it away, when that’s what I want?” Here’s how: when you give something away, you are telling the Universe (and your own higher self) that you have enough to give. That opens the energetic space for more to flow in. (This is the whole concept behind tithing, by the way.) But here’s the caveat to that: give with a happy heart. Do NOT give thinking you’re gonna get. Just don’t go there, because that will not work. Give knowing you have some to give, and (back to #1) be grateful that you have it to share.

3.    Talk about the abundance you already have.
This one is so easy, and yet so few people actually do it. I even forget to do it at times. When you are talking about the abundance you already have, you are focusing upon that. And there is a Universal law that states “whatever you focus upon increases.” See for yourself. Begin to notice what you are focusing upon and what happens when you focus on it. If you focus on worry, believe me, you’re going to have more worry. If you focus on joy, you’re going to have more joy. Talk about what you have, not what you don’t have. I promise, you’ll get more.

4.    Trust your inner guidance about what your next step is.
You are being guided all the time by Spirit. The question is: are you listening? Do you know the signals? Do you pay attention to them? Do you act upon them? Pay attention in your life. Listening to that still, small voice inside and following its guidance is truly the key to success in life. Because it will NEVER guide you wrong. (You may think it has, but that’s only because you misunderstood the signals or you didn’t see the bigger picture.) Get quiet. Listen. You will be guided.

5.    Hold the intention of having more abundance.
“Well, duh, Anne!” Yeah, I hear you. Here’s the thing with this. Holding an intention is very simple and we all do it, all the time. BUT, and here’s the big but: we don’t do it consciously or with a positive focus much of the time. This one step is so powerful Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote an entire book on it called “The Power of Intention”. In my 4-week Wealth teleclass, we focused on this step for an entire class. Why? Because it works. And because we forget how powerful we are as co-creators with Spirit in creating our lives. Consciously holding an intention to have more abundance, more money, more love, more whatever you want, will help you so quickly to create it in your life. Try it out.

Bonus: It seems kind of crazy for me to send out an article on the five things you can do right now to have more abundance without adding in EFT tapping as a step. So here’s your bonus:  tap (use EFT – The Emotional Freedom Technique).

•    Tap on the conversations that come up in your head about whether you can create more abundance.
•    Tap on your belief about what you can create.
•    Tap on your belief about your being at the mercy of the economic situation.
•    Tap on your belief about your being at the effect of anything other than Spirit and your own consciousness.

Tap away, Tap away, Tap away all! And have FUN with it.


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Author's Bio:

Rev. Anne Presuel, Interfaith Minister, Divine Intuitive, and master energy therapist, coaches conscious, heart-centered entrepreneurs to tune into their 6th sense while building 6-figure businesses.  Her approach uses Law of Attraction principles, affirmations, EFT, and other subtle energy techniques. 




Posted December 22, 2010 01:15 AM

A most enjoyable and light hearted approach to what truly is - abundance! Thanks Anne


Lisa Lane
Posted February 04, 2011 06:47 PM

This is a great article. It is funny how quick we forget the small things that lead to success.


Norman Gentry
Posted February 13, 2011 06:38 PM

Hi Anne,

I really enjoyed your wonderful article, and thanks for sharing these
5 Divine Truths.

Norman Gentry


Posted August 20, 2011 11:33 AM

Thanks Anne!

And how TIMELY to re-select this precious reminder right now - thanks also to Stefan for that!

Keep up the good work...

Cheers from France,

: ) Maria


Posted August 20, 2011 05:10 PM

Thanks, Anne! I enjoyed Your Wonderful Article.


Posted February 05, 2012 04:50 PM

Thank you Ann, I now know what you say is true! For the first time in my life I am grateful for everything in my life and I express it all the time. I have less material wealth than I ever had and yet I feel more abundant than ever!
My business is growing and I have never felt so fulfilled in what I do.


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