EFT For Car Accidents

Physical, Emotional, Visual and Somatic Aspects

By Ruthi Backenroth, MBA, EFT Cert 1

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After a car accident, EFT can be an extremely useful tool to help anyone involved to overcome the physical and emotional effects of that trauma. I would urge people who have been in car accidents, whether recent or long past, to tap on acupuncture points while reviewing the images, physical sensations, any aches and pains you have, as well as all the thoughts and emotions that come to mind while tapping on the incident. First learn EFT, and if you are unduly upset about the incident get help from an EFT practitioner.

Over the past few months I worked with 2 people who, in separate incidents, had been rear-ended by another car. I worked with one person for only one session in which I believe she resolved most, but not all, of the effects of the accident. I worked with the other person about 8 times and she is also satisfied that EFT helped her get over the trauma. When I first spoke with them, they were each very upset and were unable to cope with daily life in their usual capable manner. In order to protect the privacy of these two people, rather than discuss their issues and how we dealt with them, I will simply list a number of the aspects (there were more) that they brought up and which we resolved, for the most part:

Physical - back pain, neck pain, black and blue around eyes, being in the emergency room with an uncomfortable splint, dizziness, feeling faint, sleeplessness, extreme anxiety, moderate anxiety, shaking, headaches.

Images – seeing the driver of the other car, the expression on his face, the other people at the accident and their facial expressions, the ambulance, the first thing I saw after the crash, my car, the other car, the darkness outside.

Somatic - hitting head to steering wheel, bumping head back to headrest, the impact, the feeling right after the impact, the noise of the impact, feeling faint.

Emotional – emotional reaction to the expressions on their faces and to what they said, scared, afraid, dissociated, feeling sorry for the other driver, afraid of the other driver, afraid to drive, anxious, stress about dealing with insurance and bills, intense reaction a week later when saw damage to car, depression, sadness, uncertainty.

Auditory – the noise at impact, the ambulance sirens, what people said at the accident, thoughts at the accident, thoughts after the accident, fault and blame, words about fear, words used to describe accident, doctors’ and nurses’ words.

I tapped with them on all of these and more physical and emotional feelings as well as the images. As veteran tappers they also tapped liberally on themselves without my help. Using EFT and a few other modalities, we reframed many of the thoughts, lightened many of the images and kept tapping until they felt more relaxed, peaceful and comfortable in their minds and bodies.

I encourage you tap on your car incidences and associated thoughts and feelings. And again I emphasize that you first learn EFT and if you are unduly upset about the incident, engage the services of an EFT practitioner.


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Author's Bio:

Ruthi Backenroth, owner of EFT-ACTION LLC, uses results oriented EFT techniques to clear a path to creativity and resourcefulness for professionals, business executives, and busy homemakers, who want effective relief from stress, anxiety, and pain. www.eftaction.com

As a certified EFT practitioner (CERT 1), and founder of EFT-ACTION LLC, Ruthi combines her knowledge of EFT with NLP (neuro-linguistic programing) techniques and a lighthearted touch, to offer stress management and pain relief techniques, and to help improve productivity, increase confidence, and improve your focus. We tap on acupuncture points to address physical and emotional issues.

  • EFT is highly effective over the phone
  • You don’t need to believe that EFT works
  • You don’t need to talk about your issue
  • Relief is often permanent

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