Do You Feel Invisible?

A Tapping Script

By Carna Zacharias-Miller

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You are probably familiar with situations like these:

- You post something smart and thoughtful to one of your social networks, and nobody responds - while somebody else posts something silly or trivial, and droves of enthusiastic people jump in: "This is so cool! Love it! You are a genius!"
- You enter a crowded room (like a party), and nobody notices you. The moment you muster the courage and start talking to somebody, they don't see you and turn to the waiter instead.
- You are listening to an interesting conversation and want to contribute something meaningful. The moment you speak up, somebody else says something, and everybody turns to that person.

Painful, embarrassing, humiliating, isn't it.
Being invisible to other people, not having a voice can be devastating - especially if it is the theme of your life. Old, intense childhood pain comes up, memories of parents who would not pay attention to the little girl or boy.

Now, when you are grown up and feel invisible (without a voice), that means two things:

1. You are re-enacting childhood scenarios
2. You are literally on a different vibrational level than the people around you. For example: If you are a hypersensitive introvert, you will not do well with a crowd of frolicking six-pack Joes and Janes. Does that mean that there is something wrong with you? Not in the least (nothing wrong with the happy crowd either). Your vibrations just don't match.

Keep going. You will find what you are looking for. Nobody is cut off in our world; it is energetically impossible.

Here is a tapping script for the many of you who feel invisible and unheard:

Even though I am invisible to the people around me,
I deeply and completely accept all of me

Even though I don't have a voice that people want to hear,
I accept every part of me

Even though I don't count and that hurts so much,
I honor all of my feelings

EYEBROW: I am invisible
SIDE OF EYE: Nobody sees me
UNDER EYE: I don't count, I have no voice
NOSE: I am not important
CHIN: I don't fit in anywhere
COLLARBONE: Left out, cast aside 
UNDER ARM: Nobody wants to hear what I have to say
TOP OF HEAD: And it hurts so much

EYEBROW: I feel worthless
SIDE OF EYE: Of no value
UNDER EYE: Nobody wants what I have to offer
NOSE: This shame
CHIN: This humiliation
COLLARBONE: This pain in my heart
UNDER ARM: Whatever I do, they don't see me
TOP OF HEAD: This deep, old pain

EYEBROW: This is how I feel
SIDE OF EYE: I am willing to treat myself with kindness
UNDER EYE: I choose to honor and respect myself
NOSE: I am open to change now
CHIN: I allow myself to find people who appreciate me
COLLARBONE: The truth is that I am always free to be me
UNDER ARM: I give myself permission to express myself
TOP OF HEAD: I am ready for this to heal now

Take a deep breath.


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Author's Bio:

Carna Zacharias-Miller is a certified EFT practitioner in Tucson, Arizona. Her specialty is childhood trauma.






Posted January 29, 2011 04:01 PM

Thank you Carna, that was very nice. I tapped along and got some great insights. In particular, I tapped using the name of one particular person who ignores me and got to understand some of the subtle things I may have been doing that encouraged this !!!! That was fun. Then I changed it and tapped for all the things she thinks of me (in my opinion) "ET she thinks I'm worthless". Then, and this was the most fun, I imagined I was her and tapped for what I felt was her opinion of me, but from THAT perspective, she DIDN'T actually think I was worthless, it was something else entirely, so that was really useful!!!


Carna Zacharias-Miller
Posted January 30, 2011 09:56 AM

That's good work, Rachel! And it is exactly how these little EFT scripts should be used: as a start for deeper, personal work.


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