NET & EFT for Vertigo

By Anne Merkel, Ph.D.

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Vertigo, with its debilitating sensations, is a condition we all wish to avoid, however it affects many people – for a variety of reasons.

Usually medical doctors look for an inner ear or sinus condition as the cause of the vertigo symptoms. Chiropractors might check for a cervical subluxation resulting in a pinched nerve which could cause vertigo. Other disciplines look to different other possible causes for the dizziness and nausea related.

As a practitioner of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) when a client reports to me with vertigo I share with him/her the concept of a connection between the ileocecal valve and vertigo, related possibly to foods, drink, or other chemicals that had been ingested within the previous 24 hours.

Our body is such a wonderful organism, and it is important that we approach it in a whole way. More and more physicians are now beginning to see the value of, and practice Energy Medicine, where they look at the body and its related energy fields. NET utilizes the meridians to track energy blockages to organs and other vital parts of the physiology.

In the model that I have in mind, the ICV or ileocecal valve often serves as an energy circuit breaker – just like the electrical breakers in your home or office building. When a chemical element is ingested, if it creates undo stress on the system, in many cases the ICV short circuits to cause some physical reaction. This can range from cramps to headache, to vertigo, feelings of exhaustion, tinnitus, among many other symptoms that show up uniquely in each body.

Using NET this reaction with its symptoms and causes can be diagnosed as well as treated on the spot through the spinal tapping procedure indicated for the specific meridians involved. Often to further clear the chemical (or food) that has created a toxic reaction in the body, a specific homeopathic is utilized to further the healing. Relief is often immediate using this modality.
If you suffer from vertigo you may wish to think back to what you have ingested within the previous hours. This might be the key to why you are suffering the symptoms. Note whether the vertigo leaves you as the chemical is passed from your body. This will be a clue to stop ingesting the chemical that might have literally “tripped your inner trigger”!

And, if you are a practitioner of EFT/ Emotional Freedom Technique, you might perform the following protocol:

  1. tap a full sequence on the symptoms and how they feel, (don’t worry about your words – just focus on the feelings and symptoms you are experiencing),
  2. then tap another sequence while holding one hand on the right side of the lower abdomen and focus on supporting the ileocecal valve connecting your small and large intestines.
  3. Tap on the karate chop point for the small intestine meridian and the base of the index finger for the large intestine and imagine clearing not only whatever you chemically ingested, but also any stressful feelings in your life, especially those related to: feeling lost and vulnerable, stuck in dogmatic thinking, or grief.
  4. Remember to breathe out the stuckness as you are tapping, and then further support your healing by drinking a glass of pure water every half hour or so for the rest of the day.

There are many reasons why one succumbs to vertigo, and there are many ways to treat it. I prefer to clear myself of all symptoms if they show up because I hold to the philosophy that: NOBODY needs to suffer!


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Author's Bio:

Dr. Anne Merkel is Energy Therapist and EFT Coach with The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services http://arielagroup.com. She specializes in using NET/ Neuro Emotional Technique and EFT/ Emotional Freedom Technique, both meridian-based energy clearing modalities for conscious life and business transformation, wellness, and release of trauma. Anne is known for her popular N-hanced EFT TAPshop energy therapy group coaching sessions and her Abundance self-study series, in addition to her free EFT Resource Center and EFT Coaching Tips http://MyEFTCoach.com .


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