Prepping for Practice

A Simple Technique

By Helen P. Bressler, BSc, EFTCert I, CPC

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Many years ago one of my role models, Dr Wayne Dyer said that he prepped before going on stage by using a prayer in which he repeated over and over 'How may I serve?'

This was back in the 1990's and it was a few years before I learned about, and subsequently trained in EFT. However, as a therapist and personal development coach I adopted this technique; and like many techniques we adopt, I dropped it along the way. Why? Perhaps mind busy-ness, perhaps change in routine, perhaps non of the above. The point is I stop using this prayer. I still obtained good results, both from the energy therapy I practised at the time, the coaching and later with EFT. I also still mindfully stepped back from my own judgment and need of particular outcomes and allowed the process to work through me rather than by me.

And yet, very recently I picked Dr Dyer's old habit back up. It was almost like welcoming an old friend back home. Using this prayer just felt so right. Furthermore, I noticed a shift that occurs when I begin the repetitive prayer for a few minutes prior to the session; not only am I centered and stepping back from my own judgments and desires, it places the focus exactly where it should be: on the client. I've also found that it brings a new clarity when working with clients and opens the doorway to creative solutions. Additionally, the prayer, being one of service can only result in being a channel for that higher aspect of me, of the Universe, of God.

Someone asked me a short time ago when I was describing my prayer to them, if it wasn't a prayer of servitude. If I wasn't placing myself 'below' the client. Far from it, I had answered them. The prayer, for me anyway, declares that I am a child of the Universe, that I am part of that Higher energy, that abundance, intelligence, ability. And that means that the answers to any problem, dilemma or difficulty are immediately available, and often in ways I could not and would not have otherwise been capable of reaching. Servitude is being less than, this prayer of service declares that I AM, and recognizes that the client is also that. It declares that the answer is available as a potential that is beyond limited thought. It declares that our natural state of peace, light and limitlessness
is a real possibility and that the fun of achievement is available as we wish it. Whatever that is for us. The prayer also reminds me of the priviledge I have doing the job I do as a self development coach. It not only keeps me grateful, it allows a presencing with the client, and 'protects' me from any negative effect professionals who work with others' issues are likely to experience.

At the end of a session I now usually take a moment to say 'Thankyou' and allow blessings of the session to wave over me so that I feel renewed and cleansed; ready to begin a minute or two of 'How may I serve' for the next client. This technique is so simple, and like many techniques that are simple, can often be very powerful, and yet easily overlooked. So I want to say try it, see if it fits you, if not, with a breath of grace, blow the technique away. But if it does resonate, try it out, see what such a simple technique does for you, and therefore for your clients. And of course, thank you to Dr Dyer for mentioning this technique those 15+ years ago.

Blessings always,
Helen P. Bressler


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Author's Bio:

Helen is a self-development expert and transformational coach. She assists individuals, couples and groups to improve relationships/health, unleash
potential and achieve dreams. She address self-limiting beliefs, trauma and blocks that get in the way of discovering our purpose; and optimizes growth
and achievement. What's more, she expertly creates tailor-made plans/sessions that perfectly suit the needs of her clients.

She has over 2 decades of experience in working with self-development. Additionally she is certified in EFT & Z Point and is a certified professional
coach, a registered nurse, and ordained minister. Clients have reported feeling happier, healthier, calmer and more aligned to their true self as a
result of working with Helen.

Helen co-authored '101 Ways to Enhance Your Career' and has had countless articles published both electronically and in paper form. As part of her own
continuing development she is currently working towards her lisence in marriage and family therapy.

Helen is available for individual, group, family and couples sessions.

Visit her website for further information and details of how to contact Helen: www.optimumevolution.com


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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