The Empire Builder

EFT and the 8 Money Archetypes

By Alina Frank, EFTU and Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, EFT CERT-I

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The Empire Builder

This is one of 8 articles here describing the money archetypes and their use with EFT. Please look over all 8 as most people have a combination of default programs that contribute to their issues around money.

Do you find that you spend about 75% or more of your waking hours working? Do you believe that once you attain a certain level of wealth or your company reaches a certain goal you'll finally be happy?

The Empire Builder looks like a perfect ideal - working hard, amassing fortunes, insuring a legacy. The 8 on the Enneagram most resembles this type in that they are focused, determined, grounded, and have a natural mastery of leadership. They have big energy and you know you are in the presence of someone who wields a lot of power and influence even

if you don't what this person does for a living. Your challenge as an Empire Builder is to feel that you have enough right here, right now and explore the sides of yourself that are more subtle and receptive.

KC: Even though I feel insecure because I haven't made enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I am afraid to slow down just yet, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though there is a part of me that would feel more secure and comfortable if I just reached my goal, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Head: I am afraid to slow down

Third Eye: I haven't made enough to feel secure

Eyebrow: and I have to get to my goal

Side Eye: I feel this strong drive to create more of a foundation

Under Eye: to leave something of value to others

Under Nose: I want to be sure that I've done all I can

Chin: to attain a legacy I can be proud of

Collarbone: But what if I can feel safe and happy now?

Underarm: How would I live my life differently?

Top of Head: Can I secure peace for myself by just relaxing?

3rd Eye: Could there be a deeper feeling of satisfaction I am seeking?

Eyebrow: What if I really don't need to reach a certain goal to feel secure?

Side of Eye: What if I begin to feel comfortable whether I have it or not?

Under Nose: I can start by appreciating who I am and not what I have

Chin Point: I choose to find all those places in my heart

Collarbone: that feel they need to feel safe and secure

Underarm: I choose to feel happy about who I am not what I have accomplished

Top of Head: I choose to feel happy in the present moment knowing that making more money won't change the core feelings of peace and satisfaction but enjoying my life fully now will


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Author's Bio:

Alina Frank, Seattle area EFT mentor, coach, trainer http://www.tapyourpower.net 


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