Profuse Bleeding Stops

Even though person on Coumadin (blood thinner)

By Dr. Kim Eisen, EFT-ADV, HHCP

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I had a construction worker at my home and heard a distinct yell.  He had drilled into his finger and even though I was only 10 feet away, by the time I got there, there was blood everywhere.  As I grabbed paper towels and kept wrapping his finger, the blood just kept coming through and I kept putting on more and more but it wouldn't stop.  During this time he told me that he was on Coumadin (blood thinner) and his cuts never stop bleeding (for quite a while) and I could tell he was concerned.  I've never seen so much blood come out of a little hole.

I went into an automatic EFT mode and said 'This is going to look funny, but just do what I do and say what I say' and surprisingly he just did it (I think he may have been in a little shock).  I started out with 'Even though I've drilled myself and I'm bleeding like a bandit  . . . even though I feel really stupid about drilling myself . . . even though I usually never stop bleeding, etc.  By the middle of the 2nd round it completely stopped.  He looked at me with huge eyes and said 'I actually felt it the moment it stopped'.  We put a band aid on it and he continued to work without it ever starting to bleed again. When he left that night, he still was talking about how astonishing it was and that he was going to tell everyone he knew what happened.

I saw him two days later and he said it never bled again or opened up and when he showed it to me, we couldn't even find what finger it was on as the mark was so small and almost completely healed.

Also, I was out with friends and this young adult girl was semi-crying that she had cut her finger, and even though it wasn't bleeding, the pain 'inside' was very intense.  She just kept saying 'It hurts really bad deep inside'.  We went somewhere private and I asked her if she trust me (even though she didn't know me well) and she said 'yes'.  So, again, I said 'Just do what I do and say what I say'.  We did one round and the pain was gone.  She just kept looking at her finger, expecting it to hurt, but it didn't.  She just couldn't believe it.  I saw her the next day and she had forgotten all about it as she had no pain.


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Author's Bio:

Dr. Kim Eisen is an experienced and intuitive Holistic Health Couselor & Practitioner; spiritual healer and Life Guidance Coach since 1999, using energy psychology tools to eliminate the limiting beliefs and emotional blocks a person has to moving forward. 

She offers private sessions via telephone or video IM worldwide and personal or video group/corporate sessions taylored to the groups venue.  For more information, go to www.DoEFT.com. Feel free to join the ongoing group teleseminar on a wide range of subjects at www.EFTteleseminars.com

Certified in EFT and MTT along with other energy modalities, she combines her own unique blend and the art of delivery to achieve the quickest results for her clients.  Most people have an area of their life that they would like to change or excel at.  Along with the Law of Attraction, we have to eliminate resistance to those things we want, which gives us clarity to make great decisions and manifest our desires.

Kim Eisen, HHCP, EFTCert-I, Ph.D, D.D.

Holistic Health Counselor
Intuitive and Experienced Certified EFT Practioner


(612) 802-HEAL (4325)


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